Insulated Concrete Forms

You are starting your construction project on the right foot when you choose to work with Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) blocks.

You can improve the reliability of your structure when you build with Element ICF by Logix, one of the most trusted and versatile product lines in the industry. Solid ICF has a complete selection of Element ICF blocks in stock in our warehouse. We can also offer expert knowledge on this product to help you succeed in your construction project.


Element Block Dimensions

Element ICF by Logix manufactures standard core thicknesses ICF blocks in 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” and 12". Standard blocks are 16”x48”, Tapertop blocks are 16”x48”. As well, we offer 90-degree corners and 45-degree blocks. If other angles are required, they can easily be cut on-site.

4” height adjusters are available to provide different wall heights as needed.



* Thicker blocks are available to suit your needs.






Block Types

 If other angles are required, they can be cut on-site.

Preformed Standard Blocks

Preformed Standard Blocks

Preformed Standard Blocks are used to build straight wall sections. Standards are the most used block. The webs in a preformed standard block do not have the two end-locking channels.

90 Degree Corner Blocks

90 Degree Corner Blocks

Preformed 90 Degree Corner Blocks create strong and secure corners without  miter cuts. The diagonal web has the two end-locking channels but the other webs do not. The corners also feature  fastening areas for fast finishing.

Standard Panels


Standard Panels

Standard panels are used to make site-assembled full or half-height standard blocks to build straight wall sections. Standards are the most commonly used block.

90 Degree Corner Panels

90 Degree Corner Panels

90 degree corner panels are used to make site-assembled full or half-height 90 degree corner blocks to create strong and secure corners without the need for miter cuts. The corners also feature abundant fastening areas for simple, fast finishing.

Preformed Standard Blocks

Preformed Standard Blocks

Taper Top panels are used to create site-assembled taper top and double taper top blocks that are placed in the top course of an Element wall to provide an additional bearing area to support a floor or a roof, or a wood-framed wall with a brick veneer.

Brick Ledge Panels

Brick Ledge Panels

A Brick Ledge panel is used to create a site-assembled Brick Ledge block that provides an engineered ledge to bear the weight of a brick veneer on an above-grade Element wall.



Flexties lock into panels creating site-assembled full or half-height blocks. They can also be used to permanently bond courses of blocks together. For faster and easier assembly, Flexties are designed with no top and bottom, front or back.

Pro Buck

Pro Buck

Pro Buck is the complete solution for wall openings. Pro Buck panels frame and insulate window and door openings and provide numerous fastening areas.

Height Adjuster

Height Adjuster

To achieve a desired 4” wall height increment, simply place a row of 4” high height adjusters that are secured in place by its zip tabs and/or by placing bridging Flexties into the course below. You can also snap Flexties in half and use the half-Flextie pieces to cross brace opposing height adjusters.

XRV™ Panels

XRV™ Panels

Patented XRV™ panels quickly slide in and lock into standard and 90 corner panels, or other XRV™ panels. Each additional layer of XRV™ panels will add 2” of insulating foam to the wall assembly.

Versatile Building

There is also a knockdown series manufactured by Element ICF where ties are installed on-site, and side panels can be interchanged if a specific configuration is needed. The Element wall system is exceptionally versatile and will excel in any situation. If an additional R-value is required, Solid ICF can help you find simple solutions to achieve the R-value you need.

Benefits of Building
With ICF Blocks

Six construction steps in one

This means you will require less labour, rack up lower construction costs and complete builds faster.

Built in energy savings

The three built-in energy-saving factors deliver up to 50% energy savings.

Added resilience

With Logix ICF, you have protection from wind, fire, earthquakes, and moisture.

Live in comfort

Drafts and cold spots in the home are eliminated, and humidity is easily controlled.

A healthy living space

There are no allergy-aggravating remittances, and you won’t have to worry about mold growing.

Build anything

With Element by Logix's versatile product line you can build any structure better with advise and solutions from Solid ICF Supply.

If you want to learn more about Element ICF blocks or you are ready to start building with this innovative material, contact Solid ICF. We are ready to help you find a solid building solution.
